Tuesday, July 28, 2009

COSTA RICA: a spiritual journey

Night one: We were greeted at the gate this afternoon as the ones going to Costa Rica, it felt nice to be recognized (thanks 7'4" surfboard, stuffed neatly in the bag that arrived a half hour before we got on the plane.)  It also felt nice to be the envy of most of the airport. 

Wendy's for dinner: Unsatisfactory
First Flight: eh.. i cant sleep on planes (luke however fell asleep walking to the tarmac), and the episode of bond was... well, 
not Sean Connery.

First entry in the photo journal:


that is in fact where i slept.

our mancation begins
(non mustache wearers need not apply)

1 comment:

  1. hey, keep it coming! can i tell you how happy it makes me that we can communicate even when you're on vaca in the wilderness. very happy. we're very spoiled.
